Erken tanının kaydadeğer olduğunu varsayma
‘Nöroblastoma taraması bir hastalığın erken bulunması halinde taramanın kaydadeğer olduğu tuzağına çok güzel bir örnektir…
illustrates how easily one can fall into the trap of assuming that because a disease can be detected early, screening must be worthwhile . . . The two studies demonstrate how neuroblastoma screening was not only worthless, but led to “over-diagnosis” and must have identified tumours that would have spontaneously regressed. Both studies mentioned children in the screened group suffering severe complications due to the treatment . . . Hopefully these lessons will be learned when considering the implementation of other screening programmes – for example screening for prostate cancer.’
Morris JK. Screening for neuroblastoma in children. Journal of Medical Screening 2002;9:56.