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Bu web sitesi Birleşik Krallık Ulusal Sağlık Araştırmaları Enstitüsü (NIHR) maddi desteği ile James Lind Initiative tarafından desteklenmektedir.
Geliştirme ekibi
Bu site Iain Chalmers, Paul Glasziou, Amanda Burls ve Douglas Badenoch tarafından hazırlanmıştır.
Iain Chalmers Birleşik Krallık ve Filistin’de doktorluk yaptı. Daha sonra bir sağlık hizmeti araştırmacısı olarak önce Ulusal Perinatal Epidemiyoloji Birimi, daha sonra da1992 yılında Birleşik Krallık Cochrane Merkezi kurucu direktörü oldu. Bu merkezde uluslararası Cochrane Collaboration’un kurulduğu toplantıyı düzenledi.2003 yılından beri James Lind Girişimi’ni koordine etmekte ve halkın katılımını artırmak yoluyla daha iyi araştırma projelerinin uygulanmasını savunmaktadır. Testing Treatments interactive sitesinin koordinatörlüğünü ve The James Lind Library (James Lind Kütüphanesi) editörlüğünü yapmaktadır.
Paul Glasziou is a researcher and general practitioner concerned about gaps between the findings of high quality research evidence and everyday clinical practice. His work focuses on identifying and removing the barriers to reducing these gaps. He is the author of several books promoting the use of evidence to inform choices and decisions in healthcare, and he edited the BMJ’s journal Evidence-Based Medicine for many years. Between 2003 and 2010 he was director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine in Oxford. Since July 2010 has been the National Health and Medical Research Council Australia Fellow at Bond University, Queensland.
Amanda Burls is a public health physician. She is Director of Postgraduate Programmes in Evidence Based Health Care, and the International Programme in Evidence-Base Health Care (which includes a masters and doctoral programme), at the University of Oxford. She also runs ThinkWell, a novel internet-based research programme, which aims to help the public (a) understand health information so they can make informed health decisions and (b) set up and participate in research studies. In 2011 she co-organised a Conference on Enhancing Public Understanding of Health Research, which resulted in the formation of the international Network for Enhancing Understanding of Health Research.
Douglas Badenoch is an information specialist who is interested in making knowledge more accessible to those who need it. In 2002 he co-founded Minervation Ltd to provide design, development and consultancy services in evidence-based health care. Current and previous clients include Cancer Research UK, the UKCRC , NHS Evidence and NHS Scotland. Prior to that he was Programme Manager at the NHS R&D Centre for Evidence-based Medicine at Oxford University, and before that he was a lecturer at the University of Strathclyde’s Department of Information Science. Much of the time he can be found working out of a converted box room at the foot of the Pentland hills in Edinburgh.
How we manage the content
The content of this website has been reviewed by the Development Team. If you find any errors, please let us know using the Comment box. Day-to-day management is by Douglas Badenoch of Minervation.
If you submit a comment or a suggestion, it will most likely be Douglas who moderates it. These comments are included on the site if they are relevant, respectful and honest.
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The Team
Editors: Iain Chalmers, Paul Glasziou.
Web Production: Douglas Badenoch; Robin Massart, Ross Chapman.
Interactive Resources Co-ordinator: Amanda Burls.
Advisors: Simon Denegri, Ben Goldacre, Andy Oxman, Sarah Rosenbaum, Nick Ross, Lisa Schwartz and Steve Woloshin.